Analysis and reporting

Reporting is a two-stage process:

  1. Apply filters to create the dataset you wish to report on
  2. Run the report on that filtered dataset

Tapping the filter tool (funnel) shows the filter criteria and you can set as many of these as you wish. The more filters you set, the smaller the resulting data subset will be. Conversely, if you remove all filters, the entire dataset can be reported on (NB This can be slow if there are tens of thousands of incidents). You don’t have to enter or select values for each filter – leaving a filter blank means no records will be filtered out by that filter.

The reports tool (page with folded corner) provides access to the reports panel showing five, self-explanatory reports. These reports will operate on whatever dataset you have created using the filters

To create a filtered dataset results, click on the filter tool. Set the required filter criteria and tap ‘Apply’ to display the results (either via the map or list views).  To run another filter or remove filters, tap ‘Clear’. On the reports panel there is tick box labelled ‘Base reports on map view’. By ticking this, only those incidents you can see on your current view of the map will be reported on. This filter works in combination with the filters set in the filter panel.

If you require a standard set of filters to be applied before working with data, these can be saved as a shortcut so when the user next opens FlyMapper Web, the required filters have been activated. To do this, first apply the filters required from the filter pane, then bookmark the page via your browser’s normal method.